Thursday, November 3, 2011

BFA Progress

My professional progress is stalled at the moment, as I feel odd not sending in 3-d work with my demo reel. I have contacted someone about a remote internship, but still haven't heard back from him. If I hear an affirmative from him, I will forward my demo reel and resume to for review and hopefully get an internship. Either way, I plan on making some cover letters for a couple different companies within the next week, as I stated in my previous post.
I am "happy" with my demo reel as it is, and I seem to have gotten good reviews from the class, but I still want to add some 3-d content. If they don't work together well, I may make a separate demo reel for the 3-d content to really show off line flow and models...potentially a bit of animation as well.

Gadspy told me "Great" on my resume and there was no further mark-up, so unless something is glaringly missing I believe that it is at a satisfactory point, for the moment at least.

For my future, I want to work for a couple years after graduating. If I manage to get where I want to be fairly quickly, then excellent. If I'm struggling in moving forward or despise the people I work with, I'll probably go to grad school and develop my skills further. I also do still have dreams of opening a small gaming studio at some point in the future, though that will only happen if I can find a group of reliable and friendly people who also want to do the same.

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